50 Pounds Gone Thanks To Juicing

Juicing has changed my life forever. More specifically, I lost over 50 pounds by following a strict juicing diet. It all started with my purchase of a Breville Juice Fountain a couple of years ago. There are so many juicers out there but I decided on this one because it could accommodate larger sizes of food. I wanted to juice apples, pears, broccoli, cauliflower and lots of other fruits and vegetables.

This machine was very simple to use and juiced very quickly. Plus it had a 5 star review online. Moreover, with my busy life I was able to eat healthy but not waste a lot of time as well. That was important to me as I believe it is for most individuals. I like to juice broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots together in simple mixture that I drink for breakfast before I go to work. I bring my juice concoction for lunch and when I come home I juice for dinner as well.

My concoctions are not fancy, simply combinations of different fruits and vegetables but the juicing diet has truly changed my health. To reward myself sometimes I would add a little bit of alcohol to my juicing concoctions. I lost 50 pounds in 1.5 years and it would never have been possible if I did not adhere to a juicing diet. With weight loss, my back pain and diabetes were alleviated and my outlook on life increased as well.

Many of my other friends have tried other weight loss programs such as Weight Watchers or Atkins Diet and have lost weight but have gained it back. This is a permanent lifestyle change for me and I can’t wait to lose more and meet my ultimate goal of losing 80 pounds. I know I can do it! I would definitely recommend a juicing diet to anyone who is committed to improving their overall health and wellbeing.